Eco City Consulting in San Francisco

Excerpted from the forward of Eco2 Cities, written by Hiroaki Suzuki, Arish Dastur, Sebastian Moffatt and Nanae Yabuki. ©2009 The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank.

Eco2 Cities is an 'Ecological Cities as Economic Cities' Program.

  • Ecological cities enhance the well being of citizens and society through integrated urban planning and management that fully harnesses the benefits of ecological systems, and protects and nurtures these assets for future generations.
  • Economic cities create value and opportunities for citizens, businesses, and society by efficiently utilizing all tangible and intangible assets, and enabling productive, inclusive, and sustainable economic activity.

As the name implies, an Eco2 City builds on the synergy and interdependence of ecological and economic sustainability and their fundamental ability to reinforce and strengthen each other in the urban context. Innovative cities have demonstrated that with the appropriate strategic approach they can greatly enhance their resource efficiency by realizing the same value from a much smaller and renewable resource base—while simultaneously decreasing harmful pollution and unnecessary waste. By doing so, they have improved the quality of life of their citizens, enhanced their economic competitiveness and resilience, strengthened their fiscal capacity, and created an enduring 'culture' of sustainability. At the same time, many of their interventions have also provided significant benefits to the poor. Urban sustainability of this kind is a powerful and enduring investment that will pay compounding dividends. In a fast-paced and uncertain global economy, such cities are most likely to survive shocks, attract businesses, manage costs, and prosper.

Ask about our eco city consulting!

At E3Regenesis, we are demonstrating the high-ROI benefits of Green Building in EcoCities. Download our article on Green Building and Communities in PDF format. It is a chapter from the book US-China Cooperation on Green Energy : 2008 US-China Green Energy Conference Highlights, Tsinghua University Press, 2009.